In a fairy place where creatures live behind humans, an Evil wizard captured little fairies in a dark castle. You must help and liberate the little fairies so they can fly around and dance. The main goal of this game is to liberate all the fairies in your screen to complete a level. You must shoot your gems in order to place them with their identical groups and clear them, direct your gem and press left mouse button to release your gem and place it in the correct group. Liberate space to be able to shoot directly to the little fairies and liberate them. Some coins are trapped behind the gems; when you liberate them the coins will fall and you must shoot them to collect them before they reach the floor, collect as many coins as you can so you will get extra bonus points. This game is a timed game so you must liberate all the fairies before the time is up to reach new levels. New levels will increase your challenge and the number of gems, you will have some other obstacles like crystals, fillers and small jewels.